Intel EPROM Image File Format
File Format Converter
6809 Flex Disk Image File Extractor
6809 Disassembler
Arduino Logic Analyser

Intel EPROM Image File Format

All EPROM images here are in INTEL Format. This code format uses only ASCII representation of data. There are 8- and 16-bit Intel formats. Only 8-bit format is used here.

The format is as follows:


: Start sentile
LL Number of data bits
AA Address of first byte in the string
DD Data byte (Example: 01001010B = 4A)
SS Sumcheck on entire string. The total sum of bytes including the sumcheck, excluding the start sentile is 00h.

Example of sumcheck: :02000001A20448

02h + 00h + 00h + 01h + A2h + 04h + 48h = 00h So the sum check for this string is 48h.

File Format Converter

File Format Converter V2.0

To download a copy, right-click on the link below and select "Save Target As ..."

The converter is a DOS application and neads to be executed in a DOS window.

EXT = ASC for ASCII format
           BIN for BINARY format
           EXE for BINARY format
           COM for BINARY format
           INT for INTEL format
           MS1 for MOTORLA S1 format
           MS2 for MOTORLA S2 format
           MS3 for MOTORLA S3 format
           TEK for TEKTRONICS format
           SIG for SIGNETICS format

6809 Flex Disk Image File Extractor

FLEXTRACT extracts the .CMD files from a Flex .DSK image file. The source code is flextract.c which can be compiled under GCC.

CMD2BIN strips everything in the .CMD file except the binary program code. The source code is cmd2bin.c which can be compiled under GCC.

These utilities have been developed by Daniel Tufvesson. Full details are at his web-site

6809 Disassembler

The 6809 Microtan does not have a built in disassembler. This application disassembles a 6809 binary file.
Usage: dasm6809 filename.ext

To download a copy, right-click on the link below and select "Save Target As ..."

This utility was downloaded from Bruno's website.

Arduino Logic Analyser

This provides details of setting up and testing an Arduino based Logic Analyser. This can be done in a Windows, Linux or Mac environment.

Ubuntu 14.04 Set Up Instructions
Windows Set Up Instructions

Picture below shows the set up for testing the Logic Analyser on a Microtan CPU board. IC J4 was chosen as the component to test as its pins have a wide range of clock pulse frequencies present and the reset pin receives a very narrow width clock pulse.

LA_TestRig (237K)

Test Procedure

Attach a Logic Chip Clip to the 74LS393 "J4" IC.
Connect ground jumper (M-F) wire from Arduino pin GND to J4 pin 7.

Test 1 - Testing J4 first set of dividers
Connect test probe jumper (M-F) wires from Arduino pins 8 (Channel 0) to 13 (Channel 5) to J4 pins 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2.
Set sampling rate of 4MHz and initiate capture.
Test Results are here.

Test 2 - Testing J4 second set of dividers
Connect test probe jumper (M-F) wires from Arduino pins 8 (Channel 0) to 13 (Channel 5) to J4 pins 13, 11, 10, 9, 8, 12.
Set sampling rate of 4MHz and initiate capture.
Test Results are here.